GU15 4 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

GU15 4 is a postcode sector in Surrey Heath, UK. Below is a complete list of GU15 4 Postcodes (Active). GU15 4 postcode sector comprises of 140 active postcodes. GU15 4 sector has a population of 8509, and it has 2824 properties in the region.

Browse Information On GU15 4 postcode sector

GU15 4 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 8509
Addresses / Property Count 2824
Active Postcodes 140
Nearby Postcode Districts 39
Nearby Postcode Sectors 4

View Map Of GU15 4 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 140 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
GU15 4AA 51.34819600 -0.72183400 29 79 489113 161788
GU15 4AB 51.34743800 -0.72158200 36 40 489132 161704
GU15 4AD 51.34722600 -0.72191800 28 29 489109 161680
GU15 4AE 51.34972300 -0.72169100 N/A N/A 489120 161958
GU15 4AF 51.35042800 -0.72125500 8 24 489149 162037
GU15 4AG 51.35180200 -0.71940700 45 107 489275 162192
GU15 4AH 51.35093400 -0.71811000 37 103 489367 162097
GU15 4AJ 51.35040100 -0.71708800 30 84 489439 162039
GU15 4AL 51.35245600 -0.71675800 41 139 489458 162268
GU15 4AN 51.35131100 -0.71643400 39 140 489483 162141
GU15 4AP 51.35298200 -0.72043700 20 56 489201 162322
GU15 4AQ 51.35030200 -0.71955000 36 83 489268 162025
GU15 4AR 51.35328800 -0.72041400 40 129 489202 162356
GU15 4AS 51.34411200 -0.74248000 10 29 487683 161309
GU15 4AT 51.34351500 -0.74215100 14 18 487707 161243
GU15 4AU 51.35171700 -0.71577600 4 15 489528 162187
GU15 4AW 51.35280200 -0.71792900 36 107 489376 162305
GU15 4AY 51.35079900 -0.72385800 41 109 488967 162075
GU15 4AZ 51.35118700 -0.72647200 35 98 488784 162115
GU15 4BA 51.35184600 -0.72594000 4 11 488820 162189
GU15 4BB 51.35188400 -0.72695900 42 120 488749 162192
GU15 4BD 51.35293900 -0.72392500 41 134 488958 162313
GU15 4BE 51.35289500 -0.72233200 24 82 489069 162310
GU15 4BF 51.34215400 -0.74192700 N/A N/A 487725 161092
GU15 4BG 51.35133700 -0.72213400 32 88 489086 162137
GU15 4BH 51.34739800 -0.71957300 40 85 489272 161702
GU15 4BJ 51.34267200 -0.74157100 17 33 487749 161150
GU15 4BL 51.35180500 -0.72134600 20 78 489140 162190
GU15 4BN 51.35249300 -0.72007700 16 42 489227 162268
GU15 4BQ 51.35120700 -0.72335900 23 44 489001 162121
GU15 4BS 51.34178700 -0.74284500 30 52 487662 161050
GU15 4BT 51.34839000 -0.73394800 41 101 488269 161795
GU15 4BU 51.34947400 -0.73439200 22 59 488236 161915
GU15 4BW 51.35161200 -0.72092000 25 76 489170 162169
GU15 4BX 51.34993600 -0.73302900 14 38 488330 161968
GU15 4BY 51.34843500 -0.73147700 38 112 488441 161803
GU15 4BZ 51.34846800 -0.73281100 16 52 488348 161805
GU15 4DA 51.34986400 -0.73138000 30 84 488445 161962
GU15 4DB 51.35042000 -0.73126400 11 35 488452 162024
GU15 4DD 51.34973700 -0.72963200 19 44 488567 161950
GU15 4DE 51.34837200 -0.73061700 29 79 488501 161797
GU15 4DF 51.34857800 -0.72967800 31 93 488566 161821
GU15 4DG 51.34885200 -0.72678400 13 30 488767 161855
GU15 4DH 51.34908300 -0.72815600 43 123 488671 161879
GU15 4DJ 51.34841800 -0.72821800 22 58 488668 161805
GU15 4DL 51.34994500 -0.72890800 8 15 488617 161974
GU15 4DN 51.34952400 -0.72738300 23 56 488724 161929
GU15 4DP 51.34960000 -0.72611700 15 49 488812 161939
GU15 4DQ 51.34842300 -0.72620700 4 5 488808 161808
GU15 4DR 51.34981200 -0.72489100 N/A N/A 488897 161964
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